I’m obsessed with refining my ability to communicate clearly, with an artful perspective, for purposes of leading myself to where I want to go.
This concept has recently been giving me a lot of fruit for imagination.
There isn’t just “you”.
There are two “yous”.
You have to rationalize with yourself. Who is actually doing that? Who is doing the reasoning and who is doing the listening? I suppose it’s a sort of way of talking about the relationship between the head and the heart. But I’ve always thought of that relationship as thinking vs feeling or logic vs emotion. But I’ve never quite thought of it as an individual that you need to influence in a positive direction that you’d like to go.
This is a fairly new concept for me to wrap my head around, but it’s been incredibly powerful as I try to sort out the areas of my life that are working vs what is not working.
I’ve been a student of leadership for the past decade as I’ve built a production company, but I haven’t processed the extent to which you need to apply leadership principles to yourSELF.
The phrase that has seemed to be effective for me of late is “Stop Doing Things That Make You Weak”
More to come on this.